One of India's largest fintness chains was ready to open fitness studios in Delhi NCR. The need was to be seen as a premium brand that also delivered on fitness. They wanted to move away from discount packages and wanted to attract people who were serious about their overall fitness.

Delhi is a cluttered market when it comes to fintness chains and gymnasiums. Almost every residential colony has a fitness center. Also, the dropout rates are very high. After lengthy discussions with the client, White Fish Communications decided to focus on heritage value of the brand, the very strong profile of the promoters. It was also decided that our client should take up the challenge of educating Delhi as far as fitness is concerned.

Beginning with the launch and continuing with the post-launch phase, White Fish Communications structured the campaign to meet all communication objectives. From in-depth analysis of fitness techniques to the business of fitness, White Fish Communications identified and created oppotunities through which the client could be featured in media. All press literature and visual communication focused on one message - premium fitness chain, decades old brand, seriosuly focuses on health, led by the best team in India.

Current Situation
Within a short period of time the client became one of the best known and premium fitness chains in Delhi. In a very cluttered market the transparent campaign, which avoided any false claims, helped the client and the promoters to be seen as serious and sincere about their business.